Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Naval Yard Shooting

The tragedy at the ship yard was much of a shock to the United States. Twelve people lost their lives from Aaron Alexis as he opened fire upon them with a sawed-off shotgun. Video show the shooter calmly walked from room to room shooting. The video appeared not to be looking for a specific person but anyone the shooter could find. Alexis was in the Navy reserve from 2007 to 2011 until he was discharged.
Alexis has some what of a violent histroy. In 2004, Alexis was arrested for shooting out the tired on a victims car. Alexis claimed he did not remember doing so as he "blacked out". Another incident occurred in 2010 when Alexis discharged a weapon inside of his apartment complex going through the ceiling and the above floor. Several days before the Naval Yard shooting another incident occurred at an airport but did not involve a firearm. Police spoke with the suspect and he claimed to hear voices speaking to him and 3 people were following him.
More should have been done regarding his past actions. No one could have for seen this occurring but maybe help could have been given. The suspect was not in his right state of mind. Additionally, the article describes how the scene may have not be responded to in the correct way. The chief believed that more men were needed to properly protect the Naval Yard. This is an interesting piece that was brought up

19, Richard A. Serrano September. "Navy Yard Shooter Attacked 'calmly,' FBI Chief Says." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 19 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. <,0,5982301,full.story>.
"What We Know: All The Facts Regarding Yesterday’s Navy Yard Shooting." The Frisky. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. <>.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Conflict in Syria

The issue in Syria has been a problem that has been occurring for a long time but began to recieve coverage after civilians were fired upon during a protest by authorities. Theses various protests can be referred to as Arab Springs and were the turning point in which the civil war began. The conflict has claimed over 100,000 civilians lives(Desk). Chemical weapons, Sarin gas, have been used on citizens, even killing women and children. This is inhumane as chemical weapons do not target a specific person or group but an entire area. This weapon is designed to hurt the masses rather than on a smaller scale. President described the killing as an "assault on human dignity" and looks for the United States to intervene but is waiting for the approval of congress. Many innocent civilians have been killed by the government with no regard for their death.
Not only has the country suffered greatly due to the loss of many citizens but also in other areas. Unemployment has increased by 5 times as well as major hits to the economy, decreasing many businesses. Over 2 million refugees have fled to neighboring countries in search of a better place to live(Desk).
In cases such as the one in Syria, the United Nation must act out. This is why the organization is set in place. It is the responsibility of the U.N. to help those in need while they are unable to help themselves. The U.N. must step up and act as need to in situations like the one present here

Desk, News. "Updated: Your Cheat Sheet to the Syrian Conflict." PBS. PBS, 02 Sept. 2013. Web. 17 Sept. 2013. <>.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hutcheson and Smith

Sympathy, as pointed out by Smith, comes from placing ones self in a similar situation and imaging the feeling they are experiencing. Although we may not have been the same situation, we attempt to rationalize what is going on with another human.  Humans tend to relate to other humans and sympathy is a piece of that.  Humans want to share the same feelings even if we don't know what it exactly is they are going through. Smith says "...we have no immediate experience of what other men feel, we can form no idea of the manner in which they are affected, but by conceiving what we ourselves should feel in the like situation."(Online) depicting accuratley how exactly sympathy comes to be through our imagination.
Man kind as a whole works better off a compassion, gentleness, and good manners rather then ill-intended and malicious actions. Hume makes a valid point arguing that a society with   respect and admiration is far more enjoyable. Respect and admiration lead to competition which can also be beneficial to humanity as all humans have some degree of jealousy about them. This can lead to increased ambition and drive to do more then and individual might otherwise do.  In reality groups from and this does not always occur. These cliques look to benefit themselves and those who are around them with little regard for those that are around.
"Online Library of Liberty." Online Library of Liberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

FYS-Furman 2

Man is made to compete and strive for what is best for the individual.  Competition leads to hard work, not envy, which can often be confused. Using others success to motivate and drive leads to positive outcomes. A civilisation with no competition makes no advances. Individuals must make decision to place themselves in a better position and move up in the world. Men tend to pursue "...competition,... diffidence and,... glory"(The Levinthan)  as their driving factors. These three descriptions summarize how males operate and and their decision making process.  Regardless of the decision made, someone is likely left unhappy with an individuals choice. Individuals must act in the best interest of themselves to some degree while ensuring not to harm those that they are around. A society with competition is progressive and new boundaries are broken. A society in which individuals work towards goals makes for improvements and an overall better atmosphere. Limitations set can affect this and hinder a groups advancements.
Laws are made to protect and better a society but often only benefit some. Sometimes it is necessary to break the rules or laws in order to obtain something that you would not otherwise. A governing body is allowed to create laws that must be followed solely because this body is in charge. Men must be able to make decisions and actions as they are beneficial for them. Judgement is left after society sets laws upon them. Individuals must make decisions based on moral codes and that is in the best interest of them. Although consequences are common from not following laws, the responsibility still rests on the individual. At times, it is necessary to oppose a law and stand against it, regardless of the consequences. Men must understand that change can occur and is often for the best.

"The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes." The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2013.
"Online Library of Liberty." Online Library of Liberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2013.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Many of the current economic issues the United States is facing is the responsibility of not only the current government but also their predecessors. The over involvement of the government has lead to a reduction of jobs, increased the import of goods, and high overall dollar value. The Federal Reserve Board and the Treasury have enormous ability to influence the value of the dollar. A high dollar makes U.S. goods and services less competitive in the world economy. The increase in manufacturing jobs oversees is one of the results of the high value of the U.S. dollar. Companies saw great opportunities to increase profit through globalizing manufacturing and eliminating much of the domestic manufacturing industry. U.S. multinational corporations have had job reductions of 2.9 million domestically and a transition of 2.4 million jobs sent overseas.

The continued irresponsibility of our governments and lack of in depth into real issues continues. Claims are made about rising stock prices and a good housing market but in reality this does not reflect the United States as a whole. The stock owners and homeowners benefit from these rises but the majority of the country does not fall into this category. For citizens looking to purchase homes it makes if more difficult thus increasing the already large gap between the nations wealthy and middle class.Since homeowners as a group tend to be wealthier than non- homeowners, it is hardly progressive to support the upward redistribution of wealth implied by higher home prices(Baker). These measurements of the housing and stock markets are a piece of the United States economy but do not accurately sum up the economy as a whole. Additional information is vital to determine the current state in which the United States stands. A collective effort of the United States government is needed to fix the current state of the economy. Incentives are needed to keep jobs domestic as well as a hands off approach as to not increasing the price of products and services. Over speculation of the current state of the U.S. leads to big issues that are prevalent. 

Baker, Dean. The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive. Washington, D.C.: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2011. Print.