The entire situation makes me scratch my head. Obviously these 3 individuals were doing something they should not have been doing but it is unclear what really happened. From the beginning these men should have been straight forward with their tory and not try to cover up what really happened. Even if they are completely truthful from here on out, it makes it difficult to fully trust what they are doing. Right now, all that is clear, a man was shot and a convicted felon was in possession of a firearm. Had the man who had been previously in trouble with the law come forward immediately he would likely be facing less serious charges.
It is interesting to see how much attention this has gained and exactly why is has happened. The story is odd enough, in that a man was shot by a friend while hunting but what they were hunting for; big foot. For years there have been myths and tales about creatures like big foot and society seems to love it. Society likes to imagine things that seem abnormal to us. Most know that these myths are not actually true but in a case like this, apparently these men truly believed it. Myths like these will continue through out history just as it has been passed down. Some of these myths may remain but new ones will form just as the past has shown. It will be interesting to see which current myths fade away and which new ones are created.
It is important to remember that it is impossible to even verify whether they are really on a "bigfoot hunt." Nor is it clear that it is even relevant to the story. It may be something they made up simply to distract from something even stupider (hard as that is to believe).