Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Government Shutdown

On the verge of the federal government shutdown, both Republicans and Democrats must find a way to compromise as many Americans will be greatly affected. Those labeled in "unessential" government will have to go home with out pay creating even more issues for Americans. Those working in "essential“ government jobs could have their pay delayed as the funding for each agency has yet to be determined. Although the debt reaching its limit or the "ceiling" we must find away to keep the federal government going as well as address the issue of the debt. The debt is a real issue that must be properly handled but we cannot give up the way in which we as Americans are governed.  A New York Republican, Michael Grimm, claimed that this is not the attitude of the majority of republicans and "...isn't reflective of mainstream Republicans--it projects an image of not being reasonable. The vast majority of republicans are pretty level-headed and are here to govern". Both sides have been firm on their stances and this has caused a huge issue in regards to the budget. Republicans have been fighting Obamacare and have been successful in delaying if for a year. This is being to show how politics has had a major shift in their goals. Instead of working together both parties are focused on blocking the other sides agenda and less focused on compromise. In the past, political parties were able to find middle ground, representing all citizens to some degree. Now it has been made clear that it is one way or another or no ones bills/ideas can be passed. Americans are going to suffer from the two parties actions and the inability to find a common ground. Americans are out of work temporarily and other basic amenities as an American citizen are taken away. Congress must find a way to move past the parties and find a compromise that is fair and equal to both parties.


  1. It does seem that their is a lot of selfishness in congress. I agree that both parties only want to block each others agendas, and I believe this is not how a government should be run. Compromise needs to be the focus of both parties in the next few weeks. The POTUS and House leader need to stop ignoring each other and start to work together.

  2. I agree that there are various ways that compromise could be reached. However what are you willing to give up? Republicans have a heart on for repealing Obamacare, so what would they be willing to give up for this? Taxing the rich? Establishment of national education? Passage of the DREAM act and amnesty for immigrants? Increased Social Security? What would the Democrats give up to keep Obamacare? Corporate tax cuts/subsidies? Defunding of environmental programs? Abolishment of the Department of Education or the ATF? See when it comes to compromise, people are so quick to take. Yet what will they give?

  3. Jose, you are certainly right that Democrats would almost certainly demand something major to give up Obamacare. In fact, there is almost nothing the Republicans could possibly give them to compensate for Obamacare's repeal. That is the problem.

    What does everyone think of this argument: Some Democrats argue that Republicans are being disingenuous in calling for negotiations and compromise, because they do not really want compromise on the issue at hand. They argue that it is like a robber coming up, demanding your wallet, and then when a cop comes up the robber saying that he was just trying to work out a compromise for the wallet. In other words, if you ask for something unreasonable, something unrelated to debt and budget issues, and then ask for compromise on that unreasonable demand, your are being unfair. Thoughts?
